
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Gaining Self Confidence

As the greatest and wisest teachers have always taught, improving the quality of your thoughts improves your life almost immediately:

  • The Bible quotes King Solomon: 'As a man thinketh, so shall he be.'
  • The Buddhist text, The Dhammapada, states: 'We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.'
  • The Greek philosopher Socrates said, 'To find yourself, think for yourself.'

When you think like a confident person, you automatically feel more confident and act more confidently. Positive thinkers are the happiest and most successful. Sometimes all it takes to change your life forever is a single thought!

Humans are not robots: you can intentionally choose how to think, and if you are serious about building your confidence you must start changing your thinking patterns without delay.

  • When you think like a confident person you feel more confident and act more confidently, so commit yourself to taking charge of your thoughts. Write this sentence on a small card and repeat it to yourself, with conviction, several times a day: 'I am a positive thinker - I think and talk confidently at all times.'
  • Consider: Are you a negative thinker? A killjoy? Do you find it difficult to think positively? Does your conversation often take on an air of doom and gloom? This awareness is critical to your wellbeing now and in the future, so be totally honest with yourself.
  • Promise yourself that from now on you will never:
    - Put yourself down.
    - Say you can't.
    - Say that what you want is impossible.
    - Tell yourself that you are incapable of learning anything new.
  • Practise making sentences which start with assertive statements such as 'I can', 'I am', 'I want', '1 do', and 'I choose'.
  • 'Yes!' is one of the most powerful affirmations you can make. Say it often, with enthusiasm. Display it in big letters on your Wall of Confidence. Say it whenever a new opportunity comes your way. And - try this and notice the difference it makes - say it with relish when you face a difficult problem or challenge.

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