
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Effective Self Motivation Techniques

Building confidence takes time, patience and effort. You will have to take a few risks. At times you will feel anxious. How can you motivate yourself to put up with the discomfort and persevere? We humans are motivated by:

  • A want or need which induces tension. Only if these are un satisfied can there be motivational power.
  • Perceptions of 'pleasure' and 'pain'. We seek pleasure and are driven by a desire to avoid pain.
  • Hopes and expectations that we can get what we want, and that everything will come right in the end.

The strongest motivation comes from a passionate desire for something pleasurable, coupled with the avoidance of pain.

The best way to motivate yourself is to set yourself some worthy goals, find plenty of reasons why you want to accomplish them, and keep in mind the consequences of failure - which is what you are about to do.

  • Ask yourself, 'What am I trying to achieve by believing I lack confidence?' Write down the answers. A difficult one, this. You may have to be more honest with yourself than you're used to; but don't skip over it just because it makes you feel uncomfortable - your answers may illuminate and surprise you.
  • Write down this sentence: 'If I had an excellent self-image and total confidence in my abilities, I would...' Write down whatever comes to mind.
  • Take each item on your list and make it a firm goal. Write it in the form: 'My goal is to...' Commit yourself unreservedly to working towards these goals.
  • Make yourself very comfortable, either sitting or lying down. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and allow your imagination to flow freely. Imagine you have accomplished the goals you set yourself. Visualise them coming true in every detail. How do you feel? When you open your eyes write down any thoughts that come into your head.
  • Think of something you can do as a first step towards each, one action you can take to get the ball rolling - even if it's just making a short phone call or reading a relevant magazine article - and do it now. No exceptions, no excuses!

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