Reinforcing Self Esteem
To enjoy a better life you must focus on your potential, not your limitations, and concentrate on what you do well. You must make the most of your natural aptitudes and abilities.
Of course everyone has weaknesses, and it takes courage to admit to them. But it can be equally harrowing to accept that we have our strengths and acknowledge that we have talents and personal qualities that others don't have.
This section is about your strengths and making better use of them. You'll discover you have many on which to build.
The world is full of unsuccessful people who have talent but lack confidence and tenacity, who feel that no matter how good they are at something, someone else is bound to be better. Don't be one of them.
- Head a page of your notebook 'My strengths'. Now write down all your good points, everything you like about yourself. For example, are you a good communicator? A good cook? A talented artist or musician? Good with numbers? Handy with tools or good at fixing things? A sympathetic listener? Don't hold back. Keep writing until you've thought of at least two dozen. Add to your list over the next few days whenever you think of a new strength.
- Write down this sentence: 'I like myself most when.' Quickly, without thinking about it too hard, write down the first thoughts that come into your head and add them to your list of strengths.
- List your strengths as your partner or best friend would see them.
- Go through your list of strengths, and for each consider:
- How can I make good/better use of this?
- How can I do or use more of this?
- How can I do/use it more often?
- Write your answers in your notebook. Think about them. You may wish to amend your goals in the light of these new insights. - Make a list of personal qualities you wish to develop or acquire. Begin by making up affirmations that encapsulate the kind of person you wish to become. For example, 'Every day in every way I become more and more patient. ' Use your affirmations every day.
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